∞ mile (infinite mile): a journal of art + culture

∞ mile (infinite mile) is a monthly, online Detroit-based art + culture(s) journal launched in December 2013. Through reviews, interviews, articles, writings and photo essays, ∞ mile aims to foster critical discourse in support of art and culture in Detroit. Inflecting on Detroit and its nuanced, experimental and diverse art scene, ∞ mile seeks to proliferate and formalize discussions and critique.
∞ mile does not employ a traditional vertical hierarchy with an editor or editorial board (although editing assistance is provided). Instead, ∞ mile uses a horizontal cooperative structure where 30+ persons from the arts and cultural community are invited to make two contributions throughout the year on issues and topics that they find relevant and important to write about and discuss in the public realm.
∞ mile contributors range from individuals whose writing has never been published to seasoned academics, all with varying ages, gender, race, backgrounds and voices. ∞ mile continually seeks to diversify its contributors, audience and viewership. Each month, ∞ mile receives about a thousand (and growing) visitors, many of whom come from the U.S. and abroad. At this time, all of our contributors are donating their time, talents, experience and expertise to ∞ mile because they believe in our mission. We appreciate all of them and proceed to find ways to pay them for their efforts and cover the cost of maintaining the journal. Plans for developing funding underway and receiving an Awesome grant will allow us to pay the contributors who have made ∞ mile possible thus far.