Newburgh Food Not Bombs

Since May 2018, Newburgh Food Not Bombs has served free, nutritious, vegan meals every Monday on Broadway. We also distribute groceries, masks, clothes, shoes, coats, books, toys, and any other useful donations we receive to the people of Newburgh. We believe that food is a human right and that mutual aid (solidarity, not charity) is Newburgh's best option when it comes to solving food insecurity and food deserts in our area and our community. We accept food donations from local businesses and farms for distribution to keep perfectly good food out of the waste stream.
Part of our mission is encouraging health through food and other natural means. A grant from the Awesome Foundation would allow us to fund a collaboration with Honey Locust Pharm House, a local organic farm and herbal medicine producer. We would like to invest in sprouting vegetable and herb seeds with the help of the Pharm, grow them in the greenhouse there, and give them away alongside our food for free. Alongside each plant, we will distribute a short flyer with care instructions and medicinal uses (the owner of the farm is a lifelong herbalist and has offered to help us with research), to make growing one's own food and medicine more accessible to those who may need it most. We would also like to use some money to build free-to-use container gardens around Newburgh in various unused spaces and fill them with fruits and vegetables accessible to the public.