
GIA Prosper is a program dedicated to enhancing services to low-income individuals in recovery. GIA operates under the principle that economic self-sufficiency is a necessary element of long term substance abuse recovery. GIA Prosper is comprised of Life, Work, Home, and Health. Collectively, all four elements will assist people in achieving a higher quality of life.

Prosper Life provides the foundational skills necessary for self-sufficiency. Experienced life skills coaches will support them as they navigate the complex process of getting a social security card, or a driver’s license, or a lost work certification. Upon graduation from Prosper Life, additional programs such as Prosper Work, Prosper, Home, or Prosper Health will be available to participants.

Prosper Work provides career training to those in recovery and those at high-risk of substance abuse. The goal is to create access to fulfilling and economically beneficial work. Participants will partake in training that will lead to lines of work which pay $17.50+ per hour.

Prosper Home supports people in recovery obtain the knowledge and skills needed to be responsible rental tenants. Participants can enroll in Ready To Rent classes which provide them with a certificate indicating their competency as a tenant. The certificate will mitigate the effects of past rental issues and serve as assurance for landlords who otherwise might be tentative to rent to someone with bad rental history.

Prosper Health supports individuals in gaining access to medical and dental care. The goal is to specifically link those in recovery to providers who have an understanding of substance abuse, therefore understanding and supporting their needs from an appropriate lens.

Fondos becados por Homelessness (December 2021)