Maldon Market

I am currently planning to lauch a monthly farmer's and maker's market in Fountain Street (TBC), Maldon.
We aim for the market to be one of the best in Central Victoria.
The market will provide a genuine service, social activity and pride of place for local residents.
We believe that a successful market will put Maldon even more squarely on the tourist map to increase visitor numbers to the town and provide an invaluable boost to existing local businesses.
A market also provides the perfect, low risk, business entry point for local entrepreneurs to strut their stuff.
Each market will feature fun entertainment that enourages people to linger longer and spend more money.
We hope to attract lots of day-trippers from further afield, including Melbourne, and for the market to become a staple monthly event for Maldon residents.
We aim to have 40 stall holders at the opening market in October (roughly half growers and half makers), with at least 500 market visitors. We'll grow these numbers over the first 12 months and beyond.