Limestone City Juggling Festival

This year, we have decided to host the first annual Limestone City Juggling Festival from October 24-26! Juggling festivals are held across the world and draw a lot of attention to the cities in which they're held. Even though Kingston has an active jugglers' club, we do not have a festival yet! Our festival would be open to anybody interested for free or by donation. We will also advertise the festival to other juggling clubs in the area who will bring a lot of talent into the city. Workshops will be held every hour to teach newcomers the skill of juggling. Other workshops will be held for more experienced jugglers.
When people are not participating in workshops, they can be practicing individually in the gym we have booked for the event or buying new juggling props from the vendors we will be bringing in. The main event will be a juggling/ circus performance on the Saturday night by the Smirk show, a funny, talented and well-known duo who are sure to bring guests from all over into our city.
We plan on holding this festival yearly from now on. Other Universities (like University of Waterloo and Rochester Institution of Technology) hold successful festivals like this annually and we are hoping that this can be a fun event for the Kingston community to look forward to year after year. The festival should not produce any waste and will be a very environmentally event to hold. It will foster community, start a Kingston tradition, bring guests into our beautiful city and teach many people a new AWESOME skill.