You matter signs

My project is to bring more uplifting signs to Bend, signs that encourage people who are suffering from depression and those who want to give up on life to keep going because they matter. While visiting friends in Newberg this summer I noticed signs with encouraging words throughout the community. I inquired about them and learned a woman had designed them in response wanting to help stop the high teen suicide rate in Oregon. I knew I had to bring them to Bend which I did. The response was immediate when a woman texted the creator that the signs in my front yard saved her life. She was ready to give up, saw the signs and felt she mattered. In the month they've been up there have been many positive responses, one man even knocking on my door to say thank you as he suffers from ptsd. Teenagers who thought they were cool were touched by them. The words "don't give up" "you matter" " mistakes don't define you" "you are worthy of love" reach out to hurting people. . To see channel 21 s news coverage go to't-give-up-campaign-aimed-at-lifting-spirits/614047291. This project has spread across the U.S. and Europe and I believe Bend would be even more awesome if more people were helped because the signs were in more places, reminding us all that we matter.

Fondos becados por Bend, OR (October 2017)