TINY CAT - Dark Music Festival/Benefit for Charity

This summer Working Order Records will be hosting a two-day dark music festival called TINY CAT on Friday, August 3rd and Saturday, August 4th at the Black Cat in Washington, DC. TINY CAT will consist of five acts per night. Both Hélène de Thoury from Hante and both members of Sally Dige will be flying in from Europe for their first ever US performances. Seven of the ten acts have never before played in Washington, DC.
The TINY CAT Dark Music Festival is a benefit for charity. 100% of the proceeds raised are being donated to the Greater DC Diaper Bank (https://greaterdcdiaperbank.org/). Our mission is to make a positive impact in our community through music and promotions. We hope you will join us in support of this awesome charity!
GREATER DC DIAPER BANK empowers families and individuals in need throughout DC, Maryland, and Virginia by providing an adequate and reliable source for basic baby needs and personal hygiene products. For this benefit we will be raising funding for two of their programs; The Baby Pantry and The Monthly: A Greater DC Diaper Bank Program.
Hante. (Paris)
Kontravoid (Toronto)
Technophobia (DC)
Remote/Control (Philadelphia)
Radiator Greys (DC)
Crash Course in Science (PA)
Tempers (NYC)
Void Vision (Philadelphia)
TWINS / That Which Is Not Said (Atlanta)
Aertex (DC/NYC)
FB Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/584472515245677/
Working Order Records: http://www.workingorderrecords.org
WOR FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/worecords/
WOR Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/worecords/
Technophobia FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/Technophobiamusic/
Technophobia Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/technophobiamusic/
The Black Cat DC: https://www.facebook.com/BlackCatDC/
Charity FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/dcdiaperbank/
Charity Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dcdiaperbank/
Dropbox link for the TINY CAT Press Kit: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2besc8r8z5iij1d/AABSqa06SfmaIQQF8Y-yYURsa?dl=0
Our current and pending support is all in-kind donations.
• 50 festival t-shirts will be printed and donated. We will sell these at both days of the event and all of the proceeds will go toward the donation to the Greater DC Diaper Bank.
• Sticky Fingers Bakery has donated some gift cards for a raffle we will be having at the event.
• We have also reached out to local hotels to donate hotel rooms, but have not received answers yet.