Pavo Concertus

Junk Yard Wars + Pickup Truck + Peacocks + Pianos = Peacock art truck with an array of lights and sound. More commonly known in the community as the Peacock Pipe Organ.
Our team has taken on the project of converting a pickup truck into a peacock music truck because we wanted to give Calgary another shot of arts and culture. We are planning to use Pavo Concertus as an educational tool by demonstrating to Calgarians how arts, engineering and science can come together to form such an awesome spectacle. We plan to pull this off by constructing Pavo Concertus with lovingly used parts and machinery from Calgary locals.
Besides looking and sounding steampunkly fantastic, our project will help the public draw connections between arts and engineering through the tangible demonstration of music and vibrations. In addition, we plan on visiting schools to inspire students interested in engineering. We plan to debut at various locations during Beakerhead week to boggle the minds of downtown Calgarian onlookers. Our team consists of a dedicated roster of engineers, artists, marketers, and alumni from the Calgary Solar Car Team and Baja SAE. So we've basically pulled off stuff like this before.
How funding from Awesome Calgary will be used:
- Electrical components (ie. speaker, amplifiers, acoustic pickups, switches)
- Tools, and metalwork equipment
- Scrap metal, wood, and fasteners
- Vehicle insurance, and maintenance
- Safety Equipment