Lissten Up Now

Community Disability Alliance Hunter (CDAH) Writers and Hunter Writers’ Centre (HWC) are collaborating to create a spoken word event which will take place on the International Day of Disability (IDD), 3rd December 2024, called ‘Listen Up Now’.

Listen Up Now will showcase the writing of 10 persons with disability (PWD) from across the Hunter Region. It is a hybrid event both in person and with writers presenting their work via zoom. The venue is yet to be decided, but will likely take place at Newcastle Library. We aim to have live captions on zoom and an AusLan sign language interpreter on the night, and possibly live-stream on Facebook. A 1 ½ hour event MC’d by Cedar Whelan.

A callout to PWD writers across the Hunter will open on 24th September 2024 and close 5th November 2024. Performers/readers will be chosen by 12th November 2024 by random selection.

Listen Up Now will be free for all to attend and participate if we can obtain funding for costs involved.

HWC recently established a Disability and Inclusion Action Group, who advise and provide expertise to HWC to improve the accessibility and inclusivity of their services and programs.
Katherine McLean (HWC Director) invited Cedar Whelan (facilitator of CDAH Writers) to collaborate to produce an event which has become Listen Up Now, and which may be an annual event if successful.

Listen Up Now is a celebration of diversity. It will enhance community connection and appreciation of diverse voices, enrich the cultural landscape of Newcastle, and have a profound impact for both participants and audience. Participants, writers and storytellers with disability, will be empowered to share their unique stories, fostering self-expression and visibility. The audience will leave with a greater appreciation of the lived experience of people with disability, promoting empathy, respect and understanding.

Financiado pelo capítulo Newcastle (August 2024)