Adult Summer Camp

ADULT SUMMER CAMP! Why should kids have all the fun?
For one week this summer, June 20-24, Current Studio wants to offer art day camps for adults age 21 and over. On Thursday evening, campers can invite friends and family to stay late at Current Studio for an happy hour where campers can show off their work.
The primary goal for Adult Summer Camp is the same as it is for all Current Studio programming: COMMUNITY BUILDING, in this instance, centered around art making activities. The secondary goal is to provide low pressure, affordable, attainable art making opportunities for artists of all skill levels. Additionally, this is a fun and interesting way in which adults can skillshare in making. Finally, Adult Summer Camp may be an ideal version of a staycation for metro area adults during a down economy.
We polled gallery visitors last week and suggestions of art making techniques people want to learn included: lithography, 3D printing, pottery, collage work, weaving, screen printing, photography, watercolor, illustrator, neon, product photography, installation art, mixed media, wood carving, abstract watercolor, performance art, drawing on the right side of the brain, pop up books, welding, working with stone, gold leafing, plein air painting, air brush, graffiti, paper making, woodworking (instruction and safety), industrial design, puppets, bookbinding, jewelry, printmaking, stained glass. We will explore as many visble options as we can in one week, selecting six to eight for the week.