Loving Hands Kingston Ontario

We are a group of individuals that work in collaboration with nonprofit agencies and local Kingston shelters. In working directly with shelters this helps to take the guess out of the guessing game as to who is really in need. All the work we do is strictly through volunteers who appreciate giving back to our community.
We help to address the needs of local shelters with providing them with toiletries, feminine hygiene products, snacks, clothing for adults and children, daily used items such as towels, cutlery etc.
In addition we also assist shelter residents into their own homes by providing clothing, household items, furniture and in some cases baby and children items. We find that the bridge between people leaving shelters and gaining their own residence is very difficult and we try to do our best to make the transition as comfortable and smooth as possible.
We are constantly accepting donations of clothing, housewares, toiletries, children and baby items as well as non-perishable food, snacks and drinks.
During Christmas time we provide blessing bags filled with a variety of toiletries, snacks, individual hot drink mixes for each shelter resident. We also gather wish lists from shelter residents with the assistance of staff which state items that they would wish to receive.
Considering we are a central linking station to all community shelters this helps to secure confidentiality and security while providing residents with the essentials to get back on their feet again.
We care and believe that everyone should have the basic necessities warmth, hygiene and food and have noticed that these items have a tremendous impact on a person’s life.