Trojan Auto Club at MHS

After the difficult year we all faced in 2020 my students and I decided to do something fun and exciting to renew our love for Automotive. We determined that starting an automotive club at Mililani High School would fulfill those needs. We are in the planning stages but we have our first meeting Wednesday 1 September 2021. We plan to have events that include the Mililani community as well as enter competitions with the other CTE Automotive classes around the state. We have also been in touch with Mililani Middle School and hope to collaborate with their programs and build a solid pipeline of middle schoolers into the high school auto scene.
Some of the events we have brainstormed include entering a club built vehicle in the MHS homecoming parade, hosting a carwash fundraiser during winter break, and having a display at our high schools Oahu famous, Mililani Carnival. Eventually we hope to put together a Mililani HS Car Show and invite some of the local car or bike clubs to participate in a good old fashioned car show on our campus.