Golden Hour Books

Golden Hour Books will be a brick-and-mortar bookstore located at 181 Broadway in the City of Newburgh, looking to open in Summer 2023. We will be Newburgh’s first independent bookseller in quite some time and plan to offer a hybrid of used and new books to customers, and curate a selection of titles that will appeal to the wide-ranging demographics of this beautiful city, as opposed to retreading the broad territory that our nearby Barnes & Noble covers.
The scope of our offerings will include literary fiction and nonfiction, memoir, cookbooks and culinary literature, children’s books and YA literature, with an emphasis on writers of color, to ensure that the Latino and BIPOC populations of the city feel represented. Literature not only expands our knowledge and teaches us things, but helps to shape identity and our relationship to the world. We think it’s important for every member of our community to feel seen in the shelves of our shop.
We also hope to become a space that members of the community feel comfortable visiting and spending time in, whether by coming with their infants and toddlers for our weekly story time; as young readers in the community seeking a quiet, welcoming environment to browse and read; or as a local book club or writing group looking for a place to congregate.
Furthermore, bookstores can be destinations, and we hope to create a beautiful destination within the City of Newburgh – offering a uniquely curated selection of titles with a strong point of view that residents from elsewhere in the Hudson Valley, as well as daytrippers and other tourists to the area, seek out. We will conduct local media outreach and cultivate a strong and attractive social media presence to announce ourselves as one of the many destinations attracting visitors to Newburgh. We’re excited to contribute and be a part of Newburgh’s ongoing economic growth, and to the resurgence of Broadway in particular.