2024 Wellness & Vision Board Party

Our awesome project's mission is to merge community, vision, and networking to the Durham and the surrounding areas.

Last year I attended a Vision Board Event and casted my vision for Lex Go Hiking, a non profit organization that specialises in bringing the community together through hiking experiences. At the moment I was afraid to Bet on myself and create a vision for it however because of the environment of the event Ib decided to GO FOR IT, and through that experience this year I've accomplished more than half of the things I had a vision for.

I want to create that experience for our community! Sometimes we need an experience to push us to our goals and believe in ourselves. This project will impact others to dream again and dream big while incorporate a wellness component.

We'll provide:
Food & Beverages
Ice Breakers
Champagne Toast
Photo Op Station
2 local business to highlight
Wellness Tools and Message to bring into 2024
Raffles & Giveaways
Mixer/Networking to end

@lexgohiking on Instagram & Tik Tok

Подкрепен от Durham, NC (March 2024)