Get in the Van

"Get in The Van day will be a one-day workshop bringing together all the resources touring musicians need to understand relating to their rights and responsibilities. Get in the Van will bring immigration lawyers, booking agents, talent buyers and merch. experts to educate musicians on the ""business"" side of the business. More interestingly, the Get in the Van concept will also include expertise in other areas related to surviving on the road. As such, we're going to have auto-mechanics (because a contract to play a gig in Columbus isn't much good if no-one other than your ex-drummer knows how to fix a broken gas line) and nutritionists (because even without fresh-veg in your rider, mom would still want you to eat your five colours a day) sharing their knowledge as well.
Apart from the one-day hit of the workshop. CJAM will produce a Get in the Van curriculum kit which will be available on our website to all touring artists who need our knowledge but can’t make it to the workshop."