Granny's Community Garden

Rose Knight (property owner) and I have dedicated our time to create a free Community Garden on 2 lots in the city limits of Perry, Oklahoma. We mapped out 14 (10' x 20') and 2 (10' x 30) Family Gardens, 1 (20' x 30') and 1 (8' x 20') Chaos Gardens (planted for anyone in community such as soup kitchens, elderly meals, families, youth groups, churches, etc.) to harvest, 8 (4' x 8') Children's Gardens, a Children's Growing Arch Rest Area and a Shaded Tree Rest Area. Rose and I have also planted a plot (50' x 40') for our families and donate excess produce to a Food Bank in Morrison, Ok.
This is our first year and every plot was planted by numerous families, children and a couple of organizations.
The gardens have produced a few vegetable harvests (mainly salad greens) so far and have been enjoyed by Wheatheart (Elderly meals), families and 1 church.
We have 2020 season plans mapped out to create 2 (2'x 40') (divided into 10' sections making 8 gardens) raised gardens (for the elderly assisted living home residents in Perry, Ok) and Green house plans for early planting of bedding Plants for the gardeners for the 2020 season.