Этот филиал в настоящее время неактивен. Неактивный филиал, это тот филиал, которой не дал ни одного гранта в течение шести месяцев. Если вы заинтересованы в перезапуске этого филиала, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами тут.
Rebel Sncks
By Linda Frances April 2021
Antwerpse Viltjes
By Marijn Goossens February 2020
B Present
By Ine December 2019
Castle Critical
By Ben & Sam Ramsdonck October 2019
О нас
Awesome Antwerp supports people in realizing their social, innovative, crazy, ... ideas for Antwerp by providing a €1.000 grant to the most Awesome idea.
The best ideas to add some fun, innovation or to improve livability in a city come from the people who live and work in that city. We strive to provide a platform which connects people, brings joy and creates a place in which we can make Antwerp an even more Awesome city together.
Awesome Antwerp wants to help people develop their individual strength by supporting bottom-up initiatives and providing a space for connection and collaboration at the same time.