Poughkeepsie, NY
Youth Sewing Program
By Kedaer Parks February 2025
Voices of Tomorrow Empowered (VOTE) summer program
By Julie Okoniewski July 2024Beyond the curves
By Paola Bari June 2024
Kingdom Classic 2
By Curtiz Simpson May 2024
POP Radio Hub Core Promo Table
By Su the Synergist April 2024
By Tara DeLuca March 2024
Pride In The Sky
By Stephan G Hengst February 2024"IMatter" Project
By Rob Goldman January 2024Culture Shift
By suprina troche November 2023
A community Friendsgiving
By Ashton Balloqui-Smith October 2023
Shadow dancing
By Nicholas Jackson September 2023
NYSMICJ Annual Symposium Youth Sponsorship
By New York State Minorities in Criminal Justice Inc (NYSMICJ) Region 4 August 2023
Poughkeepsie Community Gardens
By Saije Jalida July 2023
Veterans Community Garden
By Jasmaine Clay May 2023
The Pot Calling the Kettle Black
By Rahman Moore April 2023
Community Wellness Kits during May and July
By Heather Ann Pitcher March 2023
Barbering Classes for Teens
By Stylez Da Barber February 2023
Dulce Kids Scholarship/Life Skills workshop
By Jenay scarchilli-parson January 2023
Introspective Rhythm Series
By Josayne Anderson-Tejera November 2022
Each One Teach One
By Kedaer Parks October 2022
Planting with Color
By Serena Domingues October 2022Still Waters in a Storm
By STEPHEN HAFF September 2022
Poughkeepsie Teen Closet
By Sophia Kapogiannis August 2022
David D D'Angelo Foundation
By David D D'Angelo Foundation January 2020VFW Backpacks for Homeless
By Tom Zurhellen February 2019
Broken Dolls
By June Prager November 2018
Youth Mural Arts workshop of the HV Community Ctr.
By Kelli Bickman June 2018
After school Music Production Program
By Rec Room Studios June 2018
Poughkeepsie High School Teen Closet
By Demetra Kapogiannis Teen Closet January 2018
Saturday Night Street Outreach
By Cara Mia Bacchiochi December 2017
Santa Claus Is Coming To Town.
By Barrington Randall Atkins December 2017Briggs Farm Multi-sensory walking trail
By David McGorry October 2017Picnic tables for the 9/11 memorial park
By Randy Ross September 2017
Rebuilding Our Children and Community
By Satara Brown August 2017POP Program (Pride and Ownership of Poughkeepsie)
By Andrew O'GRady July 2017
О нас
(Español sigue!)
The City of Poughkeepsie is AWESOME! We're so excited to be able to bring more resources to our neighbors and fund YOUR community projects in our vibrant and diverse community. We're particularly excited about projects that are inclusive and will engage our residents.
Each month we plan to give one $1,000 grant. We encourage a variety of project ideas but especially favor those that are open to the public and those that forge new collaborations or partnerships.
Please be as specific as possible in your applications! We want to know that you have a clear plan for this grant.
We evaluate projects for social impact, benefit to the public, ability to successfully execute, level of collaboration, and originality in idea. We also will consider your timeline.
We do not fund projects that don't directly impact City of Poughkeepsie or its residents, donations to an organization without a specific plan for the $1,000, seed funding for businesses without a social impact, or salaries that are not tied to a specific event.
We are unlikely to fund anything that benefits only one or two individuals (like a trip, workshop, or personal/professional development) or things that can be considered living expenses.
Awesome Poughkeepise is a volunteer-run group. If you have questions about the application process, seek additional help, or want to get involved as a volunteer or trustee, email poughkeepsie@awesomefoundation.org.
Our timeline: -The applications open on the 15th of each month - Close on the 14th of each month at 11:59pm. - Meeting around the 3rd Thursday of the Month - Checks get delivered on the 1st week of the month
¡Ya están abiertas las solicitudes!
¡La ciudad de Poughkeepsie es AWESOME! Estamos muy contentos de poder aportar más recursos a nuestros vecinos y financiar SUS proyectos comunitarios en nuestra vibrante y diversa comunidad. Nos emocionan especialmente los proyectos inclusivos y que involucren a nuestros residentes.
Cada mes tenemos previsto conceder una subvención de $1.000 dólares. Fomentamos una gran variedad de ideas de proyectos, pero favorecemos especialmente los que están abiertos al público y los que forjan nuevas colaboraciones o asociaciones.
Por favor, sea lo más específico posible en sus solicitudes. Queremos saber si tiene un plan claro para esta subvención.
Evaluamos los proyectos en función del impacto social, el beneficio para el público, la capacidad de ejecución, el nivel de colaboración y la originalidad de la idea. También tendremos en cuenta su cronograma.
No financiamos proyectos que no tengan un impacto directo en la ciudad de Poughkeepsie o en sus residentes, donaciones a una organización sin un plan específico para los $1.000 dólares, financiación inicial para empresas sin impacto social o salarios que no estén vinculados a un evento específico. Es poco probable que financiemos algo que beneficie sólo a una o dos personas (como un viaje, un taller o el desarrollo personal/profesional) o cosas que puedan considerarse gastos de manutención.
Awesome Poughkeepsie es un grupo dirigido por voluntarios. Si tiene preguntas sobre el proceso de solicitud, busca ayuda adicional o quiere participar como voluntario o administrador, envíe un correo electrónico a poughkeepsie@awesomefoundation.org.
Nuestro cronograma: -Las solicitudes se abren el 15 de cada mes - Se cierran el 14 de cada mes a las 23:59. - Reunión aproximadamente el 3er jueves del mes - Los cheques se entregan la 1ª semana del mes
Ver las preguntas de la aplicación en español aquí - https://awesomepoughkeepsie.com/apply%2Fsolicitar