Этот филиал в настоящее время неактивен. Неактивный филиал, это тот филиал, которой не дал ни одного гранта в течение шести месяцев. Если вы заинтересованы в перезапуске этого филиала, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами тут.
О нас
Every other month, a new $1,000 grant will be awarded to whatever project best spreads “awesomeness” in Oklahoma City. Applications consist of simple questions, asking applicants to describe themselves, their project, and what they would do with the foundation’s money. Grantees then receive a lump cash award, with no reporting requirements. The streamlined approach makes funding available to those who might not meet some of the criteria for a more traditional grant.
You don’t have to be a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. You don’t have to be licensed or be world-famous. You just have to have a good idea that you’re willing to share with the community. Please note : Your project must have an impact in the state of Oklahoma.
The new mini grant comes as Oklahoma City experiences a new wave of growth. From the string of new restaurants and eateries around town, the ever-growing music culture, to the wide range of art galleries and exhibits, Oklahoma City is experiencing exciting innovation along with a renaissance of new ideas. There are so many new places to live, work, and play now it’s almost hard to keep up. The breadth of new ideas coming to fruition makes you wonder what other ideas are inside someone’s head just waiting for a little help to come to life.
To take impact to an even higher level, OKC Awesome has filled its board with as much diversity as possible. With each trustee representing and under-represented group, whether economically, ethnically, or geographically, potentially multiplying the impact in certain communities. This gives anyone and everyone a chance to participate in helping the city.
Let’s see how much AWESOME we can make happen together.
-- About OKC Awesome
OKC Awesome is the newest chapter of the Awesome Foundation, a worldwide network of micro-grants distributing funds in a simplified, smaller-scale version of traditional philanthropic foundations. OKC Awesome Trustees are made up of the following awesome folks: Andrew Hwang (Adept), Daniel Chae (Chae), Denise Doung (Artist), Gabrielle Butler (OK Nonprofit Center), Rachel Freeman (City Care), Rocky Chavez (ONE Gas), Staci Sanger (Downtown OKC), Stephen Tyler (Tower Theater), and Tyler Holmes (GE Johnson).