Astro Science in the Western Area of Nicaragua

This project will be implemented for the Association of Amateur Astronomers of León (ASAFILE), in western region of Nicaragua in Central America.
ASAFILE was founded in March, 2014, by amateur astronomers with the main goal to promote a not well known and litlle practive science in the country which is Astronomy by doing several activities at a local level, we could mention:
- Free outreaches in public places: For this purpose, ASAFILE use its telescopes and encourage to people to make observations for free of celestial bodies such as Moons, Sun, Comets and Planets. We also, attend special astronomy events, for example Lunar and Solar Eclipses, encouraging to people to make observations by using our scopes with no cost.
We take advantage of these activities to share experiences with the attendants, describing the marvelous of Universe, the Big Bang Theory, technical info about planets amog others. To have a higher impact we prepare flyers or brochure containing this information, thus people can take a part of this information to their homes.
Free school talks: We visit local schools to promote Astronomy among students, first we share information about the History of Astronomy and how this science influenced into the development of many civilizations worldwide and its current contibutions of our societies nowadays.
Free Univesity Talks: We visit universities to share with students technical information of this science into a deeper perspective way but also to train teachers with the use of astronomy applications or software as teaching tools for their classes.
In the case of points numbers 2 and 3, we end our activities with observations by using telescopes.
However, all our activities have been implemented at a local level, into the city of León, one our main goals have been to strength our equipments and spread our activities to other cities or municipalities in the western region of the country, and continue sharing science with people.