Indigenous Mural

Our awesome project is a contemporary Indigenous mural to be displayed at the front of the Eastern Fleurieu 7-12 Campus.
I lead the ATSI Education team, and we're a small but extremely passionate bunch, who care deeply about the lives, learning and culture of our Indigenous students. In 2019, no such team existed, and in less than six months, we’ve built something truly special from the ground up.
We care deeply about our kids and take every opportunity to support them with strong advocacy to feel a sense of pride and safety in their culture.
Safety is the key word. We want our students to feel cultural safety here at EFS. We want them to feel a sense of belonging and we want them to experience the same level of personal pride in themselves, that matches how proud we are of each and every one of them.
We want to commemorate the journey we have started with an Indigenous mural to be painted along our frontage, that reflects the energy, love and vibrancy of ATSI students, and the team that supports them.