Lunches With Love

Lunches With Love is an organization that serves Winnipeg's homeless by assembling brown paper bag lunches which are donated to our city's homeless shelters. Each lunch includes either a tuna or egg salad sandwich, a piece of fruit and a bottle of water. On October 27th, Nathan and I assembled and donated 47 paper bag lunches to the Main Street Project. Once we opened our facebook page we found that people wanted to support our cause so we started taking food donations. We had only planned on doing our lunches once a month but the support was so overwhelming that we are currently donating twice a month! Our last donation was on November 10th. On that day, because of donations and volunteers, we were able to donate 97 paper bag lunches, 33 single sandwiches, 2 cases of water, two dozen pair of mitts and and dozen winter hats!
We now have volunteers scheduled to help right up until the end of December and we now have enough food donations to accomplish our goal twice a month until the end of January 2013! Our goal on every second Saturday is to assemble and donate 100-130 paper bag lunches and to deliver as many pieces of warm clothing as we can find through the kind donations of our friends, friend of friends and family.