Garden of Life Uplift

We created the Garden of Life last year during the pandemic to hand out PPE supplies and so people could have a place to go to remember loved ones they lost. This has turned into a well respected green space in Slavic Village. We found it has brought the community together to take care and people come to not just remember loved ones lost to covid but violence, drug addiction or just illness. People come from all over just to enjoy ice cream with their family. This year we would like to add on it. First let me tell you a little about it. It was two overgrown vacant lots where two vacant houses had been torn down. it is located behind Daisy's Ice Cream stand on Fleet Ave. We took tires from the neighborhood and made planters and pallets and made benches, we had a few picnic tables donated. This year we would like to make a circle of bricks and surround them with cinder blocks for people to sit on. We want to have the kids in the community paint them. Then we plan on naming this Alianna DeFreeze's reading circle. Then on the other side of the garden is an empty space. There is a 12 year old girl named MacKenzie that has been collecting food, clothes, diapers, formula, hygiene products, etc. We would like to build her a small pantry and call it MacKenzie's corner. We also have some used cable rolls that we would like to make into gaming tables. we are planning to a checker/chess, tic-tac-toe, and a card table.