Lots of Love Detroit – A mobile tool lending libra

With more than 100,000 vacant lots and equally as many abandoned homes, Detroit claims unparalleled amounts of underutilized land. As such, many neighbors and community groups have rallied together to build tree nurseries, community gardens, hubs for public art and more. Yet, many others are left behind without access to the tools or transportation needed to transform these eyesores into vibrant community spaces. All too often, volunteer groups from area universities and local businesses turn out in force to help with community projects, only to find there aren’t enough tools to go around. That’s why we created Lots of Love—a free tool library on wheels. Residents, block clubs and other community organizations can borrow all the tools they need to complete their community improvement projects, for free! We’ll even deliver them to the project sites (in our awesome tool truck), ensuring no need for residents to personally transport large equipment (like lawn mowers). Lots of Love breaks down barriers and builds capacity for Detroiters across the city by offering residents with the tools needed to define and design their own neighborhoods. We’ve always known there’s “lots of love” in Detroit; now it’s time to show just how much we really “love our lots.”