This Is Not Going Away

This is Not Going Away is a zine making workshop and conversation about the continued effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on queer, chronically ill and disabled communities in 2025. With the onus of public health education, community protection, and self-preservation almost entirely placed on those who are most affected and disenfranchised by the continued dangers of COVID-19, and in increasing amounts of isolation and sickness, how can we join forces to support each other in ways both material and emotional?

This workshop is a space of individuals to share their experiences and collectively brainstorm ways forward together, while contributing to a collective zine. This workshop is for sick and disabled queers and our friends, those of us who are not afraid to keep talking about the reality of COVID-19, and anyone who would like to join back in the conversation after having stepped away from it.

The workshop will be held at the Tranzac Club, 292 Brunswick Ave on Sunday March 30 at 12:00 PM. This program is part of the Toronto Queer Film Festival 2025 Edition.

This Is Not Going Away is run by Francis Tomkins. Francis Tomkins is a queer, chronically ill artist, zine-maker, and accessibility worker living in Tkaronto. Their zine practice focuses on perzines, connecting to community and resisting erasure through personal storytelling. They have worked in communications and accessibility roles at Tangled Art + Disability and StopGap Foundation, and as an accessibility consultant for various galleries, museums and independent artists and curators. Francis has a BFA in Cross-Disciplinary Arts: Publications from OCAD University (the closest thing you can get to a degree in zines).

Грант предоставил Toronto (February 2025)