SLAM (Support Local Airdrie Musicians)

The first Awesome Airdrie Pitch Party lived up to its name. More than 60 people came to TAJ Restaurant December 14 to cheer on the four finalists in their bid to win $1000 cash to support their awesome idea.
SLAM (Support Local Airdrie Musicians) sold the judges on the innovative concept of their organization, their well thought out list of objectives and how the $1000 would jumpstart their action plan.
Jay Stoudt presenter for SLAM and one of the founding members said he was up all night after the pitch party, he was “so stoked”.
“We thought all the pitches were awesome and we were so surprised to win,” Stoudt said. “This gives us a really good kick start to getting our initiatives into gear which includes getting our society papers registered, booking the Bert Church Theatre for an open mic night in March and creating promotional materials to reach out to all the local basement and garage solo musicians and bands to get them involved.”
The judges, who were Winning Edge finalists, faced four awesome ideas and collectively agreed that each one deserved to come to life. Guest judge Dr. Terry Rock, CEO of Calgary Art Development, who had donated the $1000 from his speaking fee in October at the Winning Edge Awards, made the announcement after the judges deliberated for twenty minutes.
“There was palpable enthusiasm from all of the presenters last night!” Dr. Rock said, “The judges thought that all four ideas had merit and hope that they find a way to happen in Airdrie. We settled on SLAM in Airdrie primarily because we thought that the injection of $1000 would make the biggest difference to their plans, and would create long lasting ripples into the community. Music is an integral part of all of our lives, and music created from people who live around resonates strongest. Good fortune to all involved!”
SLAM in Airdrie Objectives:
- Hold musician open houses to share ideas
- Organize FLASH JAM Performances
- Host Battle of the Bands competitions
- Sponsor song writing competitions
- Plan musical equipment swap and sale events
- Promote member showcase events
SLAM in Airdrie Vision:
- Continue to initiated local music events
- Purchase instruments for local youth groups
- Organize an annual Music Festival
- Raise funds for a Performing Arts Centre
Photo Credit: Creative Airdrie