Upper Skagit Library Bikemobile

Why a book-bike-mobile would be an awesome addition to the Upper Skagit Library District
A book-bike-mobile would greatly improve Upper Skagit Library District’s (USLD) ability to provide library services to the close (yet so far away) residents of eastern Skagit County. It would allow us to reach families who find it difficult to visit the library due to poor public transportation and/or physical or financial limitations.
USLD opened its doors in 2005. The library, located in the small town of Concrete, WA, serves the 5,000 residents of the eastern “upriver” portion of Skagit County. While the area abounds in farms, forests, and natural splendor, it is also home to many at-risk kids and households facing difficult economic challenges.
We have learned from talking to community members and patron surveys that distance and cost to travel to the library during open hours prevents many people from visiting the library as often as they would like.
For example, there is no bus service to two of the area’s most economically challenged neighborhoods, Cedar Grove and Cape Horn. These neighborhoods, only 4.5 and 6 miles away from the library respectively, are home to numerous mobility and economically challenged families. Some of our patrons go to great lengths in order to visit the library; many are not able to make the trip. A book-bike-mobile would make it possible for us to reach out to these neighborhoods with consistent summer book visits and programs.
A book-bike-mobile would also enhance the Upper Skagit Library’s partnership with the Concrete School District on various projects and programs. One is the Concrete Summer Learning Adventure (CSLA). CSLA’s mission is to encourage learning and prevent the “summer learning slide.” Bringing the library book-bike-mobile to summer camp at the school would be a natural and exciting partnership opportunity.