Rose Fortune: A Biography

We have seen our local heroine, Rose Fortune, immortalized in a Canada Post stamp and a local ferry named after her. It is well past time we had a biography of Rose Fortune. Although there is not a lot of information we have about Rose, her story can be woven in with the stories of local African Nova Scotians and their settlements in places such as Granville Ferry, Delaps Cove, Brindley Town (now called Jordanville) and Spa Springs. After talking with staff at the Black Loyalist Centre in Shelburne, they have been very supportive of the idea and would love to use a biography of Rose Fortune in their education and outreach programs.
Working with some of the descendants of Rose Fortune and with archival material, scholarly books and articles, and oral histories, I will put together this book about Rose. SSP Publications has agreed to publish it once it is ready.
Presenting cheque to author Brenda Thompson (center) are trustees Sue Bonnington and John Coker.