Ocelot Print Shop

Ocelot Printshop, a community print shop, is a for-profit printmakers collective and home to a number of Detroit-based artists. Our shop will have four distinct parts that create the whole. We will be focusing on shop rental time, education and community outreach, as well as being a full service printshop, and have a gallery space in the shop. Screen printing will be our main focus when we open, but we have plans to grow the shop to accommodate letterpress printing, etching and lithography in the future.
For our shop rentals we will be offering full monthly membership to artists who need a base of operations to print from. Membership packages will also be available for organizations, and will be custom suited to fit their needs, depending on how they would like to be part of the space. There will also be hourly rentals for shop time for people with more limited or occasional usage. All types of membership will have use of a range of industrial printmaking equipment. In addition to our shop usage we will be hosting an open studio drop in day one evening a week, where anyone can come in and print, regardless of skill level and will be a good place for fun, exploration and meeting other artists.
Additionally, we wish to work within the community and connect with organizations that are engaging Detroit youth or adults that are interested in making media. We hope to work with those organizations to create youth led (or adult led) projects that result in learning new skills, and the participants printing goods they need or want.
We also plan to function as a full service print shop. We plan to connect working print artists with clients in need of handmade screen printed goods as a printers co-operative. The printers co-operative will help to increase the business, networking and sense of community for artists who are participating. Members will have the opportunity to become working members and join the co-operative.