Middle School DNA Sequencing

For a science fair project, I developed a collection of chemicals, devices, and the documentation necessary to easily sequence DNA from bacteria or even people necessary in the void left by the disappearance of CoFactor Bio, the company that developed GeneLaser, the kit that made it possible for college and high school students to easily sequence DNA. I've contacted people at pharmaceutical companies, researched, and talked to teachers, and I'd like to put together the tools necessary to make DNA sequencing easy and available, as well as get it in middle school classrooms throughout the country.
Genomics will soon be one of the most important branches of medicine, and it's important we familiarize students with it. At my school and many others in my area, genetics is taught in 7th grade. Having students actually work with DNA boosts their understanding tenfold. What's more, the cost is actually well within the reach of most schools. All of the equipment necessary takes up less than 10 square feet and costs less than 1 laptop.