Campaign to End Employment Discrimination

In order to further our Campaign to End Employment Discrimination we are working on outreach through media. Namely billboards, bus shelter ads, flyers and video advertisements. In the past we have had success getting member led legislation passed in the state legislature that removed barriers to licensure that FIPs faced. We have also engaged the community in forums and by canvassing neighborhoods. Economic empowerment is vital in reintegration and a deterrent for recidivism, so we are organizing a job fair for formerly incarcerated people and the community at large. We are planning advertisements geared toward employers to share the incentives of hiring FIPs and encourage them to hire FIPs and another toward FIPs to let them know about the work of our organization and the job fair. We plan to go around the city and get testimonials from people who have been discriminated against and find it hard to find a job. So part of our project will amplify the voices of the expendable. While being amongst communities we can alert them to our pending job fair and educate them on the rights of FIPs and offer to register them to vote. This will help to build our capacity to get the word out about employment discrimination against those vulnerable populations trying to get their lives back on track, this will also help us to gain organizational membership in the fight against mass incarceration in the World capital of incarceration.