Our project is a super awesome interactive sculpture; a soap box and GIANT exclamation point. We want to encourage activity and whimsy in an otherwise buttoned up section of Hartford. We want to activate an underutilized space and create an opportunity for people break out of their normal routine and have some fun. The soap box is there for folks to exclaim, proclaim and otherwise shout out their thoughts, dreams and ideas. The exclamation point is to really drive home the message.
We have identified a local artist, Tao LaBossiere, to fabricate the exclamation point and adjoining soap box from fiberglass. We envision it being big, red and shiny: at least 8 feet tall and a super glossy shade of bright orangey-red.
We are developing a low-key lunchtime programming schedule to get the ball rolling and encourage people to get on our soap box and make it their own. We would like to incorporate local inprov group, Sea Tea Improv, to help us in that effort.
We have identified a plot of asphalt on a heavily trafficked corner in the core of the central business district. It is currently underutilized and we have permission from the property owner to regularly program the space.