Music & Environmental Sustainability in Tanzania

I am privileged to be joining the Clarinets for Conservation team this summer in Tanzania. This is a very new, small non profit organization I recently connected with. The African Blackwood Tree is used in making woodwind and stringed instruments. It's sustainability is of great importance to us all as musicians, music lovers, earth lovers and humanitarians. We will be promoting awareness of conserving Mpingo (African Blackwood or Grenadilla) by actively engaging students and the community with the power of music. We will take part in innovative interdisciplinary performances/tree plantings throughout Tanzania to help connect the clarinet and the tree it is made of, Mpingo, with the community–therefore fostering a sincere desire for a sustainable future.
I will be working at the Korogoni Secondary School and the Moshi Police Acadamy repairing all the musical instruments. These instruments are in dire need of reperation, as they have never had an Instrument Technician there before. Additionally, I will be setting up and training future Repair Technicians at the Moshi Police Academy.