The Large Printing Press Project

I'm working on a series called "Otherness and American Values" which I started a few years ago, but because of the lack of access to proper printing equipment, I haven't been able to finish this series. I've only been able to work on it during a residency at a printshop. For instance, I was awarded an Artist in Residency at Anchor Graphics in Chicago 2 years ago to work on the series. That was the last time I was able to truly work on the series. Being back home, I've had to work to smaller, and working smaller really doesn't suit my content.
I bought a house 2 years ago that has a raised basement where I carve my large woodblocks and store them. I have 5 large woodblocks that have the initial carving already done and ready to go, but I have nowhere to print them. I have been fortunate enough to be allowed to go back to my alma mater to print, and also 2 universities in town allow me to use their printshop. Only my alma mater in Baton Rouge has the equipment that I would need to finish my series, but Baton Rouge isn't close, and I have a job and other immediate obligations in New Orleans. I'm telling you all of this so that you can have a better understanding of the lack of equipment and materials for any printmaker living in New Orleans. Therefore, I'm starting a Kickstarter campaign, as well as writing grants, in order to put together a decent printmaking shop in my basement. In the future I hope to move the shop from my basement into an independent studio space where more people could have access to it (like a co-op).