Special Hope Network

SHN is a faith-based, non-governmental organization working to care for children with intellectual disabilities (ID) in Lusaka. SHN works to equip parents and caregivers to provide these children with a loving home, health and nutritional care, and exceptional education and therapies.
In Zambia, there is a significant lack of accessibility to care for children who have intellectual disabilities. Facilities and programs offering necessary therapies and education are few and far between in Lusaka, and therefore kids who have disabilities are often left incredibly marginalized and vulnerable.
In 2012, Special Hope Network set up its first two Community Care Centers in order to address these issues. Focusing on the core principles of quality and safety, we are working to see these children receive the care they need. Community Care Centers are hyper-local- within walking distance of children’s homes, therefore decreasing the significant costs of transportation. The Centers are multi-modal, multi-disciplinary- using various therapeutic and educational models so that the Center becomes a “one-stop-shop” for care. And finally, the Centers are holistic- considering every aspect of the child’s health and well-being critical to their growth and development.
Once a child is assessed and connected with a sponsor, they receive at their local Community Care Center over 24 hours per month of specialized care. Currently, the two Community Care Centers (one in Ng'ombe and one in Garden) serve over 90 children and their families. We have seen tremendous growth in each child!
SHN is still in the start-up phase, and is looking to move forward to increase in organizational maturity and community impact.