STARR Initiative

Hollaback! Bahamas is part of a global movement (now in 92 cities worldwide) to end sexual harassment in public spaces. We launched in April 2014, and are currently unfunded and use personal income sources to fund the work which includes guest lectures at College of the Bahamas, production of print material, and social media campaigns.
We would like to launch a Safer Spaces campaign. This type of program exists in other locations including Washington State (Collective Action for Safer Spaces). Hollaback! Bahamas' safer spaces campaign will be branded as the STARR Initiative.
Safe space (with)
Trustworthy management and staff (who)
Act as an intermediary between community and Hollaback! Bahamas (to)
Respond to complaints of inappropriate interaction (and)
Report to Hollaback! Bahamas in a timely fashion
The purpose of this project is three-fold:
1. Train management staff of local organizations (e.g bars, schools, malls) to safely and effectively intervene when patrons experience harassment or any form of violence - especially gender-based - on their premises.
2. Increase the number (and physical frequency) of places where people experiencing harassment or other threats can get help and access resources.
3. Create a source of funding for the continued work of Hollaback! Bahamas.
This program will increase community participation and cooperation, increase Hollaback! Bahamas visibility by creating extensions of the organization through the initiative, and provide the community with easy access to relevant resources and support.
Organizations will receive on-site/online/video training for management and staff in order to become a STARR space (where patrons/customers can be safe and supported, and passersby can seek assistance). Perks include PR through HB!B and associates' social media and traditional media, and visible door decals and pledge posters identifying them as a HB!B-approved space. Members pay nominal annual fee to cover costs.