Veteran Horizons / Free canes for Veterans

Free canes for Veterans is as it says. Its a Free cane for a Veteran who depends on a cane for assistance with walking. Its a gift of love from one Veteran to another. Our page is a welcome mix of veterans and non veterans. 8200 likes and we reach 70,000.
I give nightly videos of good news. And its much more than just an overwhelming order of over 500 orders and one man making them. We treat depression and PTSD with Chicken Soup ( your mother gave it to you when you were sick. It didn't cure you but it made you feel better. ) that's Random Acts of Kindness . It redirects the mind. We have never asked formoney. My cousin set up a go fund me account and it has paid for the shipping of 200 canes. But with 300 or more left to ship we will run out of funds
I had to join up with another group called Veteran Horizons for protection under their 501 3c. But we share no funding. Both of our groups receive no pay. 100 % goes to spipping and suppies to make the canes.
1000 would pay shipping for an estimated 50 canes of the 300 to ship.
Anything will help.
Thank you for you consideration
Oscar De Vere Morris III founder of Free canes for Veterans on facebook