Ensemble Companio

Ensemble Companio is a chamber choir comprising 28 voices based in the Northeast United States in our 5th year of operations.
What makes us interesting and different is that we are all 20/30/40somethings with crazy awesome careers who live up and down the east coast (from Philly to Boston) and we rehearse once a month for an entire weekend in a different city each time. We help with childcare and try to offset member travel expenses and basically reinvented the rehearsal model for community choirs, which has allowed working parents and working non-parents alike the ability to continue singing at a point in their lives/careers when most fall out of the funnel.
We have law partners, tech entrepreneurs, nonprofit execs, medical professionals, civil servants, PhD scientists, and more who all disappear one weekend a month to sleep on couches and air mattresses and rehearse for 12 hours because making music matters this much to us. It's innovative enough that we're presenting on this unique model in June at the national Chorus America conference (cue nerdy band camp jokes here.) I think most of us would agree that singing is what keeps us sane.
We've grown our budget from $1500 to $12,000 over the last 5 years and have become a sustainable organization. But it doesn't leave us much wiggle room for special projects outside our normal operations of rehearsals and 3 concerts. Specifically, we want to record our first studio album this year as a way to mark our growth as well as to have high-quality tracks to send in for regional and national competitions/conferences. We'd also like to record this year since it is the last year our founding conductor will be with us.