Advice You Don't Want to Hear

My name is Maysoon Zayid. I am a comedian, writer, and disability advocate. In 2014, I had the #1 TEDTalk and I recently completed a stint as a guest comedian-in-residence at Arizona State University. While at Arizona State University, I filmed a mini-web series that I created, wrote, and starred in. It is called “Advice You Don’t Want to Hear”. Each episode is under five minutes and features four questions from the public who are seeking my advice. I am planning on filming a second season with the West Bank as my backdrop instead of Arizona State University. Like the first season, all of the episodes will be open-captioned so that they can be enjoyed by English speakers of any ability. We will produce 10 original episodes to be uploaded to YouTube for public consumption. The total budget for this project is $15,000 US Dollars.
The mission of Advice You Don’t Want to Hear is to mainstream disability by placing me, a woman with Cerebral Palsy in the position of helping others. We seldom see anyone with a disability helping, rather than being helped. The advice I give on AYDWTH is good advice, except when it’s not and it is always funny. I am including links to the 10 Episodes I filmed at ASU, as well as a link to my TEDTalk so that you and learn more about me.
Advice You Don’t Want to Hear
Thank you, so much for your support and consideration,
Maysoon Zayid