Teen FemiList

Teen FemiList is a listserv for rad feminist teenage girls and gender non-conforming teenagers to mentor each other, create projects, and figure out how to survive high school while simultaneously smashing the patriarchy.
Prospective members will apply via a page on my blog, and when accepted (I will read and approve/deny the applications), they will donate $10 to an organization with which I have partnered (if they are unable to pay, they will apply separately for a scholarship). People on the list will be able to post whatever they want and any member will be able to respond via an email chain.
There is also a board comprised of successful adult women. The board will meet monthly via Skype to discuss the recent topics discussed on the list. They will also offer mentorship and give advice to members of the listserv when prompted but won’t directly post (the listserv is supposed to be for peer-to-peer mentorship by teenagers). Once a month, there will be a one-hour Q&A session with one member of the board.