SF Bay Bad Date List

As a criminalized and stigmatized population, sex workers suffer significant amounts of violence. In an effort to reduce instances of violence the St James Infirmary launched a Bad Date List.("BDL"). The BDL is a community-based violence intervention tool utilized by sex workers to share information regarding “bad dates.” A Bad Date may be any person who threatens, behaves violently towards, robs, extorts, or engages in any behavior that violates the agreed upon terms and boundaries of the exchange. The BDL facilitates sex workers' ability to warn other workers of those who cause harm with anonymous reporting, mass distribution of reports, and a network of support and community.
In an effort to make the BDL as accessible as possible, sex workers are able to make anonymous reports of violence by phone, email, in person, and online in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, and Tagalog. The St James Infirmary currently pursues outreach of the BDL in person through the other programs offered by the clinic (needle exchange, HIV/STI testing, Speakers Bureau etc), online through social media, and by working in coalition with other sex worker, rape crisis, health clinics, and social service providers in the SF Bay Area.