Tell Your Story; GIANT PUPPETS
I'd like to introduce Living Art, a non-profit aiming to help Boston's teenagers
and adults view civic life through a new prism.
Teens and young adults draw, paint, and construct sculptures, realistic and
imaginative. Works are usually full size images. Their size attracts attention
which helps build the participants self esteem. The intergenerational community connections and celebrations are an essential part of our aims and goals.
This semesters program, "Tell Your Story "is focused on making Giant Puppets to be part of the Dorchester Day Parade, and hopefully First Night. The enjoyment students feel, also they are always amazed at how much the public
enjoys the puppets, and how much fun we all had.
During the program students gain experience in intensive art making and real life work as they collaboratively manage a busy studio, while presenting their artworks in public exhibitions that powerfully and positively impact our community. In order to tell their stories the young people often need to consult the relatives and adults in their lives and others in the community. This process broadens the perspective of everyone involved and encourages active engagement in civic life and service.
Another program usually offered in the summer "Portraits,People and Places," started seventeen years ago and continues with a timely new focus on First Responders through our new non profit, Living Art. You can see some work from last summer on our web site.
We are interested in process vs product and as this involves lots of discussions
during classes, practice at expressing themselves comes about quite naturally.