Making Queer History

Making Queer History is a relatively new international project with team members in the United States and Canada. The objective of Making Queer History is to share the stories of the queer community and help educate people on the contributions made by queer people throughout history.
While every article and podcast episode begins with the sharing of knowledge about queer people/events throughout history, most of them end by bringing it back to the now. Because we are working not only to teach people about our history but to bring that history into terms relevant to the present in a segment fondly referred to as “the moral of the story”. Whether we talk about intersectionality, the revolution in just being happy, or reacting to global events, we always work to make the history relevant to your day-to-day life.
When we are not researching queer people who existed in our communities history, we are discussing the people who are making history right now. Every month we look at other queer creators and show you what they are doing so you can find more people to keep an eye out for. Our project is by, for, and about queer people.