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Have an idea that’ll make our town even MORE AWESOME? Want to win $1000 with no strings attached to make it happen? You're in the right place!

Twenty-eight micro-trustees (all Ipswich residents) are pleased to partner with The Awesome Foundation to announce Awesome Ipswich second season! Last year we gave away $10K to local groups with awesome ideas! This year we have even more support in making awesome things happen in Ipswich. The Awesome Foundation has donated over $6M to groups around the world in an effort to “create more awesomeness in the universe $1000 at a time.” Currently there are local groups in Georgetown, Gloucester and Rockport.

Submissions are due on the 22nd of each month and must be submitted via this website. We will vote on the submissions 1 week following and reach out to our finalists so they can prep for the next Pitch Night.

All members of the public are welcome to attend.

All ages and ideas are welcome! The only catch is it needs to benefit Ipswich, and if we can take pic or two!

This isn’t too good to be true, this is just another magical thing about living in Ipswich. Submit your idea today!

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