Этот филиал в настоящее время неактивен. Неактивный филиал, это тот филиал, которой не дал ни одного гранта в течение шести месяцев. Если вы заинтересованы в перезапуске этого филиала, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами тут.
О нас
Awesome El Paso is the newest chapter of the Awesome Foundation, founded in January 2016.
It is our mission to promote awe, wonder and inspiration in the El Paso community by awarding $1,000 grants to ideas or projects.
Awesome EP is a call-to-action to help improve a budding sense of community by utilizing the immense potential that lies within our art and science communities.
It's more than just $1000. Awesome El Paso is the true definition of community, unity, and empowerment for a city that is finally ready to receive the recognition it deserves.
The next deadline to qualify for our first grant is March 23rd. Good luck and stay awesome!