Big Brite - Community LED Painting

Remember Lite Brite...that wonderful light up peg painting game and choking hazard from the 80s? Now imagine that 10000 times bigger and powered by color changing LEDs. The Big Brite will allow all of us old enough to remember the original Lite Brite to collectively re-experience the fun of painting with light and introduce younger ones to the wonderful world of collaborative artwork.
The Big Brite is based around a matrix of smart RGB LED pixels. The color of each individual pixel can be changed by "painting" it with a specially programmed brush. Using this simple system anyone can jump right in and start making awesomely huge digital paintings. With multiple brushes teams of painters can collaborate on a piece, or everyone can go nuts and see what magic comes out of the chaos.
At this point, we've built a working prototype of the Big Brite and brush but need funds to make it bigger...much, much BIGGER. We'd like to install the final piece at Cleveland Square Park on a warm Spring night and invite all El Pasoans to come leave their mark.
The Big Brite public painting event would be a great way to welcome AWESOME EL PASO to the city, and we're sure would generate a huge amount of press and social media coverage for both Awesome EP and Fab Lab EP. We could even start with "AWESOME EL PASO"
Like most projects developed at Fab Lab EP, the Big Brite will be released under an Open Source license so that anyone in El Paso (and beyond) can replicate and improve upon the design as they wish.