
Do you ever find your thoughts wandering to big ideas while outdoors? Ever feel inspired in natural environments? Maybe see things a little differently? Wonder about the history of a place?
Intersections is a temporary, outdoor public activation planned for May 2020 on a subset of Berkeley Public Pathway system using interactive, visual art to create intentional engagement and participation in public life. The project is produced by the Berkeley Path Wanderers Association (BPWA) and PEAK86.
We have commissioned a diverse group of artists with unique Berkeley ties to create site-specific, ephemeral installations that reflect on history, place, and the many points of connection that exist in our community.
We are using the natural environment as canvas and context. This setting offers an ideal place to acknowledge and bridge differences, observe what draws attention, and consider the relationship between things in a deeper way.
The paths are public right of ways, largely located in areas of relative affluence. They reflect the vision of landowners in the 1900s to build a suburban housing enclave within a rapidly growing, dense, diverse area. They are points of cultural and architectural significance and serene, park-like spaces that link neighborhoods to shopping, transit, and schools. They are are also routes for egress in disaster. And they are stewarded by volunteers who see them as key points of community pride and natural landscape treasures.
Yet, many do not know about or feel welcome exploring the pathway system. In a time of unrest and great disparity, healing comes from feeling included and seeing oneself as part of something bigger. From having hope amidst grave concerns. And from considering different ways forward. Berkeley’s Pathways provide a unique opportunity for this purpose.
Intersections will launch with an opening celebration, and we’ll offer guided walks, artist talks, and other unique engagement activities throughout the month-long event.