Hila-bana Street Art Project

HILA-BANA: Discovering Filipino identities through Street Art Hunt
In hopes of shaping a more globalized mindset imbued from our people's constant search for defining a unified national identity, this project hopes to popularize the multi-faceted Filipino Identities relative to our nation's cultural and historical influences utilizing street art.
In the Philippines, education is a privilege. The majority of our people lack the opportunity to study. Even more so, to be able to appreciate our local history, culture, and literature. I believe in the power of street art as a supplementary learning tool. Helping them understand what it means to be a Filipino is a challenge; thus, a lifelong pursuit.
By immortalizing local culture bearers, who represent each culture from our diverse regions, this project can inspire not only the artistic community but also create a detailed visualization of a unified nation.
From the Tagalog term hilbanahan meaning temporary stitching or basking. The term used for this project symbolizes the action being made alongside the walking individuals of different ethnicities. Hinihilang habi or the infamous sinulid (red string) that encompasses the different ethnolinguistic groups in the region. The red string depicts the major material used in our indigenous weaving traditions.