Umbrellas for Annapolis Royal!

This one's easy: Umbrellas for town! How awesome will it be to have 100 umbrellas made available at locations throughout Annapolis Royal for anyone and everyone to use? Imagine spotting 100 brightly coloured umbrellas on our streets, in the Historic Gardens, on the grounds of Fort Anne or our waterfront boardwalk, knowing that we've made it easy for visitors to be here, no matter the weather. It's true what they say, a little rain must fall, but it's no reason to stop folks from discovering all we have to offer!
You'll find the umbrellas at 20 locations around town. Each location will have a simple poster encouraging folks to borrow an umbrella, enjoy our town, and reminding them to return it when they're done.
Yep - the umbrellas will get all mixed up (and that's just fine!). Yep - more might end up at one end of town (easily managed). Some might even get stolen - great! we'll be promoted wherever it ends up!
Awesome loved this idea because it's simple, it's visual, will be ready in time for the May long weekend, it's inclusive to absolutely everyone, and it's a thoughtful gesture to visitors (and locals!) that Annapolis Royal is a pretty special place.