Այս մասնաճյուղն ակտիվ չէ: Ոչ ակտիվ մասնաճյուղն այն է, որը դրամաշնորհ չի հատկացրել 6 ամիս շարունակ: Եթե Դուք հետաքրքրված եք վերագործարկել այս մասնաճյուղը, խնդրում ենք դիմել մեզ։
Bert's Shirts
ըստ Sophia Oldford June 2019
Mills Mountain Bakery
ըստ Mills Mountain GF Foods March 2019
Old Ways and Life Skills with Kids
ըստ Marissa Froese December 2018St George St Virtual Time Machine.
ըստ Dan Froese October 2018
Rose Fortune: A Biography
ըստ Brenda Thompson August 2018
French Tourism Booklet on Annapolis Royal & Area
ըստ Voxane Foucaud and Laura el Bechhari June 2018
Umbrellas for Annapolis Royal!
ըստ Kimberly Gunn April 2018
ըստ Phillip Bailey February 2018
Earth Day Shuttle
ըստ YCP & CARP January 2018
"That Garth Guy. Chef at Large."
ըստ Garth Lescaudron December 2017
Annapolis County Climbing Club
ըստ Sarah Smith October 2017
Publication of an Annapolis Royal Photo book
ըստ Melissa Fillmore September 2017
National Artist in Residency competition
ըստ Deb Kuzyk August 2017
Gleann na Gaeilge - Valley of Irish
ըստ Paul Lalonde July 2017
Bear River Community RIde
ըստ Dee Addario June 2017
Teens & Kids Free Summer Art Workshops & Art Club
ըստ Monica Forrestall May 2017
AWEC Dance Marathon
ըստ Gemma Tompkins April 2017
Easter Eggstravaganza
ըստ holly sanford March 2017
Come Play with Us - Exploring Fibre Crafts
ըստ Grace Butland/SOFAAR February 2017
ըստ Kimberly Gunn January 2017
Art Heals
ըստ Jaime Lee Lightle December 2016
Annapolis Royal Space Agency - Space Probe Launch
ըստ Derick Smith November 2016Annapolis River Guardians
ըստ Katie McLean October 2016Young Company Fall Theatre Series
ըստ Young Company Productions September 2016
Poolside, colouring book & calendar
ըստ Friends of the Annapolis Pool Society August 2016Մեր մասին
After three years of community giving, Awesome Annapolis has gone dormant while waiting for someone new to head the group. There's as much or as little work involve. It's all what you want to make it. Have a look at how other chapters organize and decide if you want monthly Pitch Nights or simply a quiet meeting of trustees. Or mix it up. It's all up to you. If you'd like more information on how to revive this group, please email annapolis@awesomefoundation.org.
The generous trustees of the Annapolis area made the following projects possible with their donations from 2016 to 2019:
- Annapolis Pool Society’s purchase of the automatic pool cleaner
- Young Company Fall Theatre Series Free Workshops
- Annapolis River Guardians water quality testing
- Annapolis Royal Space Agency Space Probe Launch
- Art Heals Exhibit to support Mental Health Awareness
- Tartan Wave new business launch
- Come Play with US –Free day of Exploring Fibre Crafts
- Easter Eggstravaganza at Fort Anne
- AWEC Dance Marathon for IWK
- Summer 2017 Free Art Workshops & Art Club
- Bear River Community Ride
- Gleann na Gaeilge - Valley of Irish
- National Artist in Residency competition
- Publication of Annapolis Royal Photo Book
- Annapolis County Climbing Club
- That Garth Guy, Chef at Large
- Earth Day Shuttle
- Cartographme
- Umbrellas for Annapolis Royal
- French Tourism Booklet
- Rose Fortune - A biography
- St.George St. Virtual Time Machine
- Old Ways & Life Skills
- Mills Mountain Bakery
- Bert's Shirts